Get Meanings for Abbreviations used on Twitter [slang words]

The use of abbreviations is common trend on twitter. Considering the fact that the social network only allows you to type a maximum of 140 characters. I sometimes complain about this limitation because, I don't get to write out my tweets in full and this gets me pissed off.

This limitation (as i call it), lead to the abbreviating or shortening of words by it's users. Thereby, making it easier for them to communicate with each other. I found out that abbreviating words in my tweets helped me to pass a couple of sentences across during

my conversations. Not forgetting that abbreviations saves times and energy, I consider it an advantage to twitter users.

Having it in mind that the world in general goes through new changes everyday, new abbreviations are being introduced to twitter by the minute. 
I sometimes get confused trying to decipher the meaning of some abbreviations or a slang used on twitter. Literally speaking, "You Can't Know All." 

I'm familiar with the common abbreviations like RT - Retweet, FF - Follow, S/O - Shout Out and the likes. But sincerely, I still can't seem to decipher some twitter slangs. While trying to satisfy my curiosity, I bumped into a twitter-like form of dictionary that explains the meanings of some the abbreviations and slang words used on twitter.

Visit to translate any twitter abbreviations and slang words you come accross.

Just type any word into the search bar and click search. You could also suggest your own slang words too!

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